Sunday, 13 September 2009

"Thanks for attending.....bye then"

 Another evening another gig. This one was a support kindly offered to us by the Nottingham band "Blood Orange" at the Running Horse Notts.

 I once again and in spectacular style couldn't find Darrens new paradise in the wild so spent another hour tear-arsing around identical country lanes, swearing and hunting phone signal. Once found though we plodded off to Nottingham to repeat the procedure in some of Nottinghams less welcoming estates which was rather more perturbing then the dingly dell had been.

 The gig itself was a stripped down affair as our shiny new drummer was off doing a radio session for someone or another, so it was just myself, Darren and our other shiny new fellow Mr Martin making his 2nd ever live appearance and 3rd ever, well, appearance at all. We ploughed through various yet to be classics in front of a largely indifferent bunch of cheese rockers. God bless them, if it aint in tight trousers and sporting girly hair then they don't know what to do with it. Not even shouting at them had any effect. they were nice, but lacked that you expect of other living beings.

 My personal highlight was breaking the unwritten law of if a gig is sparsely populated you have the good manners to watch the other bands. This, for us wasn't an option as Martin and I were knackered and Darren had a curfew to observe. The main drawback to leaving was to do so we would have to walk between the playing band and the lack lustre audience, gear in hand and coats on. There was no way to make a discreet withdrawal.
 For reasons I will never know Mr Martin and Darren chose the most obvious, most likely to draw attention to us moment to leave. Just as Blood Orange had finished another pop/rock classic and thanking everyone upon their attendance. It was then a sheepish troupe of us trundled past, guitars in hand and very politely conducting our compliments and goodbyes in the middle of their set "bye then, thanks for letting us play".
  It was poor form and for that we apologise. Mortifyingly funny though. :D

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